
headaches and cardiologists

i'm just gonna say that headaches suck - i mean, i have one right now that will not go away and i've taken medicine and everything....done complaining.

for those who will read this and will pray...Anika (my oldest) passed out today at the park. its the third time she's done that in the last 4 months...i've only got to experience it once, but its scary...she usually complains that she's not feeling well and then she passes out...

so, this afternoon, Janice took her to see the pediatrician...and, he referred her to a cardiologist. when you start thinking about cardiology its kinda scary...so, for those that will pray, please pray that there wouldn't be anything wrong with her heart and that they will be able to figure out what's going on - but above all, please pray that God's Will will be done...and pray that we will learn from Him what we need to learn during this time...


since my last post, I've had many people come to me and encourage me...thanks to all of you!


The Finnans said...

wow chris..that is scary. I'll definatly keep Anika in my prayers. Let us know what happens!

Caleb said...

In heavenly armor we'll enter the land.
The battle belongs to the LORD.
No weapon that's fashioned against us shall stand.
The battle belongs to the LORD.

Be still, see victory.

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