

i think that the title to this post says it all - in describing this past week, it has been monumental...and mostly so when i think of my oldest daughter.

about a week ago, while i was driving her to school, she made unarguably the most important decision of her life...she asked Jesus into her heart...she became a Christian...and in the short time that has followed she has all but stopped talking about it...

following that morning, she finished her testing for the gifted program at ironwood elementary (i didn't even know they tested kids in kindergarten to see if they were gifted)...according to the tests, she is...and janice and i are crazy proud of her...

then, thursday, she had a line in her first play - it was the kindergarten play at school...she almost didn't make it, but in the end, she said her line and did it so well...

and yesterday...she lost her first tooth...the last seven days have been crazy for her - and she's taking them in stride. going around like it's business as usual...because it is. it's life...and she doesn't know any better except to keep going...

in this life i hope to teach my kids about what it means to live - but, every now and then, they teach me...thanks anika.

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