

wow...i haven't written anything on my blog since january. i guess it comes and goes in spurts...

so far, this spring has been tumultuous at worst, and just plain out of control on the good days. i don't want to make it sound like things have gone horrible, but it has been way past my comfort zone on many days...

so much so, i have had frequent thoughts of abandoning this...i've wondered what it would be like to completely abandon my "calling"...to completely leave it behind and do something else...something easier...something less taxing on my heart and my mind...

two weeks ago, i think i was pretty much ready to throw in the towel...so, i was asking God what else i could do...what other job would fit me well? i told this to a friend and got laughed at, but i did a career assessment - you know, one of those career helper/planner/guide tests...i was kind of at a loss on what to do...

the results of the inventory were that i should stay in ministry....that best suited me...i couldn't help but laugh out loud...assured now that God definitely had a sense of humor...

right before i took the test i came across this quote:

"Next to faith this is the highest art -- to be content with the calling in which God has placed you."
-Martin Luther

so i've been thinking about this...about being content in the calling that God has given me...even when it's frustrating or difficult or unrewarding...which are trademarks of ministry...

thinking about this has lit a fire under me to continue in ministry, and to strive to do it as best i can...i still have such a long way to go...

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