
An exhausting evening

everything about it was exhausting...dinner and meetings....constantly doing ministry. always a part of something, and always seemingly at the middle (or at least it's what it fees like).

well, whatever - some thoughts about the day...

the meeting in phoenix went pretty well. it's always good to hang out with dusty, danny, and lucas...the content of the meeting was so-so. although dr. lyon did a good job, the input seemed more like complaining that looking for any kind of solution. definitely complaining...and it was complaining done about things that really have no hope of changing, because those things are so deeply woven into the fabric of our denomination...if these guys are so upset about what they don't like, maybe it's time to leave.

fun dinner tonight with some great friends - luke and stacy. luke, it has been a lot of fun working with you, and getting to know you and your family...we got into trouble more times than i can count...each time was worth it. and mother earth (aka, stacy), it has also been great simply getting to know you....

pitched a new website design to the board tonight...for the most part it went really well. approval is good...and now i can make changes to the website and update it a little easier - still working on some logistical things, but those will iron themselves out in time..

tonight, however, i just feel emotionally drained. in ministry i know that these days will come...and it comes from all different directions...

and there are big changes happening within the next week...here we go

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