
depravity and Divinity

i'm having such a difficult time focusing today - songs are chosen for tonight's practice - an okay (RE)gen meeting last night...talking about regrets and how to deal with them...

now i'm sitting in our worship center - listening to music, probably getting ready to listen to some driscoll - and this quote pops in my head...it's from the advertisement of the david crowder a collision record:

"when our depravity meets His divinity its a beautiful collision."

and now i'm thinking about it and can't get it out of my head - what is the outcome of that collision other than something beautiful? grace? mercy? love? i guess most of all, it should change us - as i was thinking about all this, the song "i'm not alright" starts playing from the rotation of songs on my playlist...

part of the chorus says "i'm not alright, and that's why i need You"...depravity meeting divinity...we are so utterly hopeless and depraved if left to ourselves...people can make the argument all they want that we are inherently good inside...but when push comes to shove, we will choose what is wrong over what is right...maybe that is what's so beautiful about this collision...

facing up to God brings us to the realization of how messed up we really are - and how desperately we need a Savior...and all of us do (whether we're admitting to it or not)...

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