
let me clarify

in mid april i posted a blog about transparency...as i re-read it today (and a couple of the comments on it) i realized that it made a few people close to me seem like heartless jerks...

this was not the point that i was getting at in that blog....

the three people that i am working with on this new ministry project are amazing - honestly, i think that any one of them could pastor their own church....they have a genuine love for people and a heartfelt want to see people come to know Jesus...

what i was trying to get at, was that they do a great job of not letting the opinions of others get to them...they have that knack, and i wish that I was more like that...i think that i could be a better leader if that was the case...

i was not trying to say that the three are heartless, and that they don't care - because i honestly don't know anyone who cares as much as they do...

i just wish that i could separate things like they do...separate home from ministry....to be able to detach would be awesome...if they are not able to detach (as i am not) then they do an excellent job of hiding it...

again - to clarify - the people that i'm working with are amazing...i love them, and i'm pumped to be working along side them...i hope to learn a lot about leadership and life from this team!

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