

i'm 28...i'm thankful for today. it was a roller coaster...it didn't start out as well as i thought it would, but there were people around me that made it better - like my amazing wife. Janice has been with me through some incredibly difficult times, and we've only been married about 6 and a half years...she is (right now i'm trying to think of a word good enough to describe how absolutely wonderful she is, and there are no words good enough that come to mind)...

it wasn't just my wife that made this day better, but my friends...luke and amanda and gareth and stacy...i'm thankful to be here with you...

and there's everybody from indiana...emily and emily and shelly and alli and mark and everyone else...reading your birthday wishes made my day better...thank you!

at my 28th, i've got the same feeling as i had at my 25th...i don't want to waste my life...i want to be all that God has created me to be...i have quite a few questions swirling in my mind right now...none that i think i can answer in a short time...so, i'm hoping that the answers will come...that a fresh passion will be ignited in me...that i will not lose sight of that goal...

more than anything, i think, i want to attempt something so great that it's doomed to failure unless God intervenes...i've felt like that for as long as i can remember...and now, in this time, He is doing something in me that i cannot understand...this is driving me now, as i begin year 29...

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