
a skin-thickening day

one of those days...it is one of those...i've asked for it, and so He is answering...i asked for things like this...i asked for experiences that would propel me to be the pastor that God has created me to be...today was one of those days...

so, what do i do with it? its hard to take the criticism in stride and not show a limp...it feels like i often take a beating, but all the bruises are under my shirt, so no one sees them...

the life of a pastor...i'm not just a worship pastor, at least i can't afford to see myself as that any longer...i can't be JUST a worship pastor - i have to be a pastor at this church..stepping it up...

the criticism stings and hurts in ways that i can't explain, but i'm okay with it...i'm learning to be okay with it...as a pastor that i respect would say, i want to be the 'dude'...and this is just the next step...

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