
The learning continues

have you ever done anything that you didn't think was a big deal at the time...but, then it turned out to be huge? most people could answer yes to that question...this is where my learning of ministry and of who God is continues...

recently we recieved our federal tax return...we really needed it...i mean, it came at the perfect time...several weeks earlier i wrote out a plan for how we would spend our refund...so, as it landed electronically into our bank account, i had my plan in mind...and, for most of the things on the list, we did great...we followed the plan...except with God.

there were things that we needed (and wanted) that took the place of what we'd planned to give back to God...and, at the time i thought that it would be okay...

last week our new puppy broke two bones in her leg...then today, as janice was driving to a dr.'s appt., the muffler from the car in front of her fell off the vehicle and janice ran over it...which tore holes in two tires and messed up the alignment on the van...

in going over the total cost of those two things, it almost exactly adds up to the total we were going to give to God but didn't...

we have been blessed by Him when we have tithed...we've been blessed beyond what we can imagine...but, to my knowledge, this has never happened before...today, God taught my wife and i something invaluable about Him and His nature...

****He Is True To His Word****
we robbed Him by not giving a portion back of what was already His...and, so, He took from us to remind us who owns it all...that its not really ours...that we must be obedient...and that He is true to what He says He will do...

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