
my vote...

i'm probably gonna catch some backlash about this from my friends....

from what i've seen of mccain, i like him. i think that he would be a great president - he's got his flaws but, well, romans 3.23....

up until today, i had made up my mind to vote for him...when i got to the box, and began to vote, i darkened in the circle next to obama's name...

my grandmother is in the hospital, she may not make it out...today, she would have been at the polls votiing for obama...but she couldn't because she's having surgery to correct something going wrong inside of her chest...

she grew up in a time when she was considered a 2nd class citizen because of the color of her skin...and maybe less than that. most of my friends are white, so they will have no idea what i'm talking about...i barely have an idea of what i'm talking about, and i've got to live a glimpse of what she and others had to deal with daily...

for my grandmother to see a person of color make it into the white house...well, it would be amazing. amazing to see where we have come from...amazing for her to see where we have come from...

now, is obama the best for the job. nope. mccain isn't either...in reading about them, and trying to get past all of the b***s*** i've come to see that neither one can change the things that are wrong...the things that are wrong in this country.

so, for those who will read this, and will be upset that i didn't vote for who they thought i should vote for...or who they thought a Christian should vote for...or who they thought a pastor should vote for...i'm sorry to be a dissapointment to you...

to my grandmother...you may see it happen in your lifetime. to go from not being able to sit on the same bus as a white person, to seeing the leader of the U.S. be someone of color...you may see it, and i hope you do. i love you.

1 comment:

Chris and Janice said...

you are an amazing man & I love you!

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