
a thought or two

end of the day...getting ready for bed...some things swirling around inside my skull...putting them into writing is what's hard.

i learned more about being a worship leader today...about being a servant. i've said this before to my congregation, but even as a worship leader, "its not about me"...of course i want to bring change--be a change agent of sorts, but i need to be a servant 1st...

my excitement for learning and reading and staying up to date on what's working in ministry was renewed today...its so easy to get stale and stuck in what we 'think' is working that we can fail to look past ourselves...and stay on that edge...its something that i need to remind myself of each week as i prepare for the weekend...not necessarily doing stuff from the top 40 of worship music, but preparing myself in different and refreshing ways...ways in which will help my congregation worship better...change agent.

i love leading worship, and up 'til today that's all i could ever see myself doing...but that changed today...for those who will read this, please do not be alarmed...i'm stepping out of my current ministry (or anything like that)...but, in listening to a great podcast from another worship leader i learned something interesting about myself, and what i think may happen in the future...

if i lead worship until i'm 70, then awesome!! but, what if God changes things in to 10 to 15 years...what if He leads me down another path...what if...

don't know what it looks like, but i do believe that He is stirring something inside of me...something that was stirred when i was younger...something that i can't put my finger on, but is definitely there....

i'm glad to be where i am...leading worship for an amazing congregation...growing in Christ...learning to love my wife and daughters more everyday...learning to live without fear...truly without fear...fearless. can i be fearless?

1 comment:

Caleb said...

Yes, you can.
Cultivate your fear of God.

The fear of God is the death of every other fear; like a mighty lion, it chases all other fears before it. CH Spurgeon

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