
election...over...so, what's next?


what did we talk about before the election? everyone is so wrapped up in it, that it seems we forget what is really important...especially christians. its like we believe as if we'd only get the "right" president then things would be just fine...like we're looking for some kind of savior or something!

i wonder if christians have forgotten that our Savior already came...and He is with us...and no matter what happens around us, He's not going anywhere...we forget that. i know that we say that we don't, but we scream it with our actions...christians are usually synonymous with republican...especially in most of the circles that i've lived in and including the one that i am in now...nothing wrong with that, because republicans usually have a more conservative view than democrats...

but, here's where i get remotely upset...christians are getting bent out of shape because we didn't win the presidency...or the house...or the senate...as if God has suddenly lost control of what's going on in the world. so, has He? is He less in control now? sorry for screaming, but NO!! He is the same yesterday, today, and forever...and that means that He is still in control. maybe this is a good thing for the christian community...a great thing. because maybe this will push us to our knees a little more in prayer for our country...and for our leaders...its almost as if we believe that God couldn't use a democrat to pursue and push forward His purposes...well, for the next 4 years, it looks like that's what He'll be doing.

i liked mccain...a lot. i liked what he stood for...but, if you read my previous post, whether you agree with me or not, you know why i DIDN'T vote for him...does that make me less christian...or less moral...or less of a pastor? i sure hope not...

does a democrat in the white house make God less sovereign? we say no, so now we need to act like it...do you know what is sad? not that there is democrat in the white house, but that we are more worried about that, than the people who died tonight not knowing Christ...as if a democrat in the white house has suddenly stopped us from preaching the gospel...washington and oregon are less evangelized than some african nations...sad...

and, what does God's word say about it? it doesn't say..."if America would vote on the right person...then, things would be okay, and God would be glorified."

no...it says, "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7.14)

does this say anything to anyone other than those who believe? no! this speaks to us...to christians. those of us who say that their Master and Lord is The Christ. so...what are we doing? lets make it even more personal....we should start with asking ourselves...
1. what am i doing to change this?
2. am i being humble?
3. am i crying out to God in prayer? and am i spurring other Christians to do the same?
4. am i turning from the wicked things in my life and helping others to be accountable?

are we seeking the face of God for change...or are we counting on a vote and some reform by the next guy up to bat.

the NLT puts it this way..."Some nations boast of their chariots and horses, but we boast in the name of the Lord our God." (Psalm 20.7)

the same passage in the Message..."See those people polishing their chariots, and those others grooming their horses? But we're making garlands for God our God. The chariots will rust, those horses pull up lame— and we'll be on our feet, standing tall."

who are we going to trust...our vote or our God?

when things looked bleak to Jehoshaphat he didn't complain about things not going the way that he planned...he cried out to The Lord. politicians are there for a reason...but the moment we start trusting in them more than trusting in God...we have made a grievous error. its time we correct that...and put trust and honor and hope where and in Who it should be.

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