
a good/bad thursday

what a day...

saying that it was good and bad is probably not the best way to describe it - it may be better to say that i was tested instead of saying that it was bad.

my time today with God was great...i spent time praying and singing and praying some more...i listened to a great podcast on prayer by mark driscoll from mars hill in seattle. he's doing this series entitled "pray like Jesus prayed", and so far i'm not disappointed. i just finished listening to his 13-week series called "doctrine"...some really interesting podcasts - especially the one on worship...

back to my day...after spending time with God in prayer and praise, i began the finishing touches on prepping for worship practice tonight...as i was finishing up and getting ready to go home early (a miracle) my drummer texts me and tells me that he can't make it tonight or the next two sundays - visiting his parents. i didn't get upset because i have a back up drummer who's amazing...so, i told him that I loved him and to be safe at his parents...i probably wouldn't have said this had i known that my backup was also not going to be able to play this sunday...

no, now i'm freaking out...who's gonna drum this sunday...all kinds of things were running through my mind - i came to the conclusion that no one would play the kit, but we'd have another percussionist play the hand drum...when i got to practice tonight, my lead guitarist decided that he could play the drums and my keyboard player switched to the acoustic....

practice was a little rough, but it was also amazing! why (you may be asking yourself)? because God taught me a valuable lesson tonight...it doesn't matter how good we think we are, or how prepared we think we are...we still need Him.

in leading worship, and in life, i asked God to help me attempt something so great that it would be doomed to failure unless He intervened...and I have been waiting and waiting...and then i realized that i was attempting something that great every sunday...leading people to the throne of The Almighty God is impossible - and He has to intervene to make it actually happen...

i was reminded of this tonight...what started out as a good day switched to a tumultuous afternoon...and back to an amazing evening...God is constantly teaching...we just have to listen.

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