
end of the day

4:41...in my office...bored.

trying to find things to occupy my time until the end of the day...which is crazy, because tomorrow i'm going to think of so many things to do that i'm going to run out of time.

so, how was today? i had an interesting yet small time of devotions this morning - i mean, it was small. i'm working through a book called 'experiencing God'...trying to figure out what that looks like. i mean, where do we experience God? is it in a place or a time? can it be all the time? i really want to know!

every sunday i'm searching for ways to help my congregation experience God in our gatherings...throughout the week i search for the same thing, but it doesn't seem like i get an answer...sunday then rolls around, and i'm doing the same things...different songs but the same faces and responses...how do we get past that? how do i help them get past that? how do i do things to help them connect with the Creater in ways that are real and tangible? i wonder how many worship pastors are asking these questions daily...

i have 8 sheets of paper on the wall in my office...3 of the sheets have verses on them...the other 5 have little sayings or definitions or whatever...things to remind me to keep going and to never give up...things to remind me that what i'm doing is not about me (i should put that up on my wall)...

the first one i put up says this:
"the only way to be effective long term as a worship leader is to maintain a close relationship with the Lord..."

so maybe my questions should start there...maybe they start with relationship...relationship with the Almighty...relationship. how is my relationship...really? how is yours? and, does this really determine our effectiveness? i think so...so how do we know if we have a good relationship??? how?

1 comment:

Amanda Markwardt said...

"different songs but the same faces and responses...how do we get past that?"

That's a good question for the worship team...

We are all just as passionate about leading people into God's presence and wondering how to do it better. Bet you there's some good ideas out there...

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