
reality of ministry

i love doing what i do...each week i get to stand in front of our congregation and lead them in worship of our God...there aren't many experiences in life that can rival the feelings that surround leading worship.

being involved in pastoral ministry is amazing...and at the same time, it can be a crushing experience. i've been talking with a student that i used to pastor back in indiana...she's going through such a difficult time right now. and, in her pain and suffering, there doesn't seem to be anything that i can say to her...anything that will make her feel better...anything that will help her to connect to The Almighty in her pain...it's crushing to me...

it's one thing to have to talk to someone that i'm pastoring, and another thing completely to have to talk to someone that i'm pastoring next to...and feeling like i don't have the right things to say...i know that my friend needs to hear something, i just don't know what it is...i'm at a loss...

realities of ministry...

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