
A few question for the 60-60

these questions are taken from Burke's book Soul Revolution...a good read...

Preparing for the 60-60 Experiment
1. Take a sheet of paper and make a list of all the things you long for in life. Don't edit out anything; whether you think it's a good desire or not, just write.

2. Now look at your list and circle the three to five most important things on your list (what you don't want to live without). Why are those things most important to you? What do you hope they will bring you? Is there a deeper spiritual quality you're hoping that desire will bring? Is that spiritual quality a top priority on your list?

3. If it's true that our deepest longings are good and from God, how might God want to meet the deepest longings that your top priorities reveal? (if you have someone to discuss this with, please do***hoping to do something like this in our community groups).

4. Do you trust that God wants to meet your deepest longings? What fears do you have in all-out trusting Him? What might you gain from fully trusting God for the next 60 days? What might you lose?

***some things to think about and to answer - I'm here to encourage on this trip that we're taking together. there are some study tools that I came across on www.soulrevolution.com - check it out. create a profile (it's free) and gather up as much info as you can....read the mini-blogs that others are posting, and see how God is impacting their lives through this....

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