
60-60 Experiment

it's sunday night and i'm thinking about the 60-60...it's an experiment by Gateway Church out of Austin...

John Burke is the pastor of Gateway....this is his description of the experiment...

"For the next 60 days, try to stay in a continuous, honest conversation with God, willing to do his will moment by moment.Set a watch or alarm to beep every 60 minutes, and put up sticky notes & reminders around your home, car & office, as a reminder to stay connected.Try to turn your thoughts back to God all throughout the day, as often as you can. This simple conscious contact with God isn't easy, but it's all you have to do...Even if you're not yet convinced this is true, try it. Every 60 minutes, stop and recall "God is with me right now..." and let that propel you to ask God "Show me your will this next moment."

so...here i go...

and i'm asking those that are a part of COF (and whoever else wants to) to join in with me for the next 60 days...

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