
Journey Through Proverbs - Chapter 1

here are some thoughts (profound or not)...i hope that all of you are journaling as well...

in the ESV, it gives the title "The Beginning of Knowledge" - which i think is a great way to start a book that is camped around wisdom, knowledge, understanding, etc...as i read through the first 7 verses (slowly read through them) the words grab me...this is written so that i could know wisdom (or Wisdom with a capital W)...so that i could receive instruction...so that my simple (naive - as amanda put) mind could gain prudence...

all things that i need...

...so that i could understand the words of the wise (it's one thing to hear them...it's something completely different to understand them and put them into action)...

and then, verse 7..."The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction." so, a fool, has no fear for the Lord...no fear of the Lord...they're in their own little world...living like there are no consequences....making choices without regard for what may happen next - this is the generation and culture and world in which we live...

someone who makes choices without regard for consequences...that could be a brief definition of a fool...

chapter 1 continues with a brief look at the lure of the sinful life - preceeded by a stern warning from a loving father...i can see him now, telling his son...there are consequences to what you do...don't be like them - i can see the father giving explicit examples to his son (and the mother chiming in, in agreement with her husband)....and maybe the son doesn't get it...but, then, verse 18 says that they are lying "in wait for their own blood"...it doesn't get much more graphic than that...if the son doesn't get it by now, he may never get it...i wonder if that is how my Father feels about me...

but then there's Wisdom....crying aloud in the street...God hasn't given up on me yet or anyone else...Wisdom is crying out that there is time - but, if I choose not to listen, my fate is deserved...i have chosen a path that leads to death...and i can't say that i didn't have warning...because the voice of Wisdom was there the entire time...i don't have any excuses...

what choice will i make?

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