
say it with me: "wow!!"

maybe i should be saying "mom!!!" instead...

in my mind, God is in the beginning stages of doing something amazing with me and a few friends...but, i think, in God's mind, its been happening for a long time...the four of us come from pretty different backgrounds...except for two (they're brothers)...but even those two have traveled different paths...

and, on all these differing journeys God has brought about it us a holy discontent about what we see around us...a holy discontent about a broken world and a broken and truth-less generation...with a huge question: how can we reach them effectively with God's love and message? a message that is timeless, but that needs to be timely to people who need to hear it differently...

and so, here we are...God has brought our journeys together...we're face to face and the questions have gotten louder...i want to turn the questioning off...and the burning in my heart...but it won't go away...in fact, what i thought was an intense holy discontent, now seems mild to what I am feeling these days...

as i try to take a step back and look at what God is doing, the only word that seems to come out is..."wow"

i read this quote somewhere and i feel compelled to share it...it runs through my mind several times a week when my discontent takes over...

"churches who choose their traditions over their children will die slow, painful deaths."

we will not be one of those churches...we will be real by living transparent lives...relevant with His message...and rooted in God's word...

its happening...

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