
six years....and counting


so i should have posted this yesterday at some point (even though for me, yesterday is only 3 minutes ago)...

six years was yesterday...six years of being married to the most amazing woman in the world...

i think a part of me thought that she would have left me by now to find someone better...because God knows that she deserves better than me...why He ever allowed her to make the decision to marry me is beyond my understanding....but, i'm thankful He did...and i'm so very blessed that we are who we are together...

she is nothing short of amazing....i'm not the easiest guy to live with, but she takes care of me...and puts me in my place when its needed...and loves me when i'm unlovable...and more, so much more...

as we talked this evening at our favorite pizza place i thought about how it all started...and it was a rough beginning...but God was in the middle of it then, just as He is now...and again, i'm blessed...

so, since its late, i'm gonna stop...gotta get up in 6 hours...but, this goes out to my babygirl...

here's to 6 years sweetie...i pray that we have 60 more....

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