
Porn Again Christian

this post goes out mostly to men...because the majority of those that look at porn are guys, so...

whether you're a Christian or not, or you believe that porn is normal or detrimental or art or whatever, and you're a guy, you need to read this...

the book is called Porn Again Christian, by Mark Driscoll - pastor of mars hill church in seattle...here's the link:


it is a very straightforward discussion about porn and masturbation...Driscoll goes on to talk about how destructive it is and can be for you (the porn-watcher), your wife and family, and your relationships with God and everyone else...

if you're a guy, take a little time of the next couple of weeks and read this...tell the other men you know about it...

if you're a woman, and you're married - mention it to your husband...or an adult son...

this issue is pandemic...especially in the church, and no one wants to talk about it....no one wants to step forward....why? because men are afraid of being shunned...

i have struggled with this in the past, and the only way to bring a stop to it, is to bring it to light...get some accountability...get some encouragement...

so...get started....quit being just male, and start being a man - we can do this together!

Porn Again Christian by Mark Driscoll

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