
getting real

it's sunday afternoon...and, i'm taking inventory of the day...

this morning seemed like a great morning - having the opportunity to preach is always something that get's me pumped...but, this morning was different...

i usually feel really great and relieved after i'm done preaching...but i'm not usually as transparent and forceful as i was this morning...last week i encouraged amanda to be brave with her message...but, i was terrified this morning when i stood up to preach...my mind is swirling...

i felt passion this morning...passion coming out of me and filling me like i've never felt before...
i don't know what's going on in me....

i like it, but i'm scared...and i don't even know if it really went well...i keep second guessing myself...feeling kinda gun shy...like i'm worried about saying the wrong thing...

confessions i guess...

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