
15 Books

i've already posted this on facebook, but my blog was feeling left out...so, for those that will read this, here are 15 books that have impacted my life in a way that i'll never forget...

1. Devotional Classics - Richard Foster
2. Contemplative Prayer - Thomas Merton
3. The Imitation of Christ - Thomas a Kempis
4. Every Man's Battle - Steve Arterburn
5. Risk - Kenny Luck
6. Just Like Jesus - Max Lucado
7. Porn Again Christian - Mark Driscoll
8. He Still Moves Stones - Max Lucado
9. In the Eye Of The Storm - Max Lucado
10. The Relevant Church - Various
11. Emerging Worship - Dan Kimball
12. The Case for Faith - Lee Strobel
13. Messy Spirituality - Mike Yaconelli
14. Breakthrough Prayer - Jim Cymbala
15. Experiencing God - Henry Blackaby

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